Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Vanessa's Bridal Shower

While the boys were busy fishing, the girls put on their dresses for a lovely bridal shower for Vanessa. Margaret, Vanessa's cousin, hosted the shower and did a fabulous job. So many of Vanessa's friends made the trip to DC for the party. It was wonderful meeting all her friends who I have heard so much about. We chatted, drank mimosas, ate a delicious brunch, and watched Vanessa's open her presents. Margaret had asked Chip several questions ahead of time regarding his relationship with Vanessa. At the party, Vanessa was asked the same questions. The test was to see if they answered the same. Chip was asked when he first told Vanessa that he loved her. His reply, "Hopefully sometime before we moved in together!" Needless to say, it was all quite hilarious!

More pictures to come from Vanessa.

Apparently I was too busy talking to take pictures. I know, I know, I need to work on my picture taking if I want to be a good blogger.

Chip's Day of Fishing

On Saturday morning, the boys woke up early for a day of fishing off the coast of Maryland. Justin had spent weeks organizing a bachelor party which involved renting a charter boat for the day with Chip's closest friends. The boys packed up the cooler bright an early that morning and were off for a day of manly activities!

I think everyone had a wonderful time!

They caught 22 BIG fish. We even have some in our freezer now. Anyone have any good fish recipes?

Chip has all the pictures so stay tuned for an update.

Washington DC: First Night

We enjoyed a short, but sweet, trip to Washington DC last weekend to see Chip and Vanessa. While it was a lot of car time for a short visit, we wouldn't have missed it for anything! We made the 9.5 hour trip to the east coast on Friday, arriving just in time for dinner at the Carlyle with Chip, Vanessa, and two of Vanessa's college friends.

The group at dinner.

Somehow all the glasses ended up in front of me!

Chip thinks the patriotic tux would be very fitting for his 4th of July wedding!

Then, it was to bed early for a full Saturday of fun!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Holy Storm Batman!

This afternoon/evening we were hit with an awful storm! I wasn't here to witness it, but the damage was obvious as soon as I got home. While out walking Charlie, I noticed branches down and started talking to the neighbors about it. Apparently it was horrible here...2-inch hail, black sky, branches blowing everywhere, and rain pouring down. I was so worried about my little Charlie - he was probably so scared. The storm was so bad our house even got some damage. The back of the house has pieces missing from the siding. Thankfully, the front is all brick so there is no damage. Check out our storm damage...

See those holes? There are about 15-20 of them on the backside of our house!

What a major storm! No wonder Charlie was scared! Poor doggie!